Power Immersion Program

Power Immersion

Power Immersion is hands-down the most effective way to learn a language. You will live in the home of your own personal tutor and be completely immersed in the target language while being 100% isolated from your native tongue. It is a totally inclusive program with accommodations and all meals. The experience is similar to the experience you had learning your own language a a child. You will be surrounded by the sights, sounds, customs and rhythms of your target language and culture 24 hours a day - every day. It is the most powerful program that exists. 

This program can be 100% customized to your needs. Choose the amount of hours you want language instruction - usually from 10 - 30 hours a week. Or combine your language learning with exciting & informative cultural activities. It doesn’t stop there - you will be surrounded by your new language & culture 24/7 until you truly begin to feel like a native. Many people start to dream in their new language! 

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